Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New year

Hello everyone!

As you have noticed this blog has been inactive for a while now. There are some personal reasons for this but they are getting solved, so that's good.
In other news, tonight is new years eve, so I wish the best of what is to come to every blogger reading this and to all your friends and family. Make 2012 a prosperous year, have a blast and be happy!
2012 will be a fresh start for many of us, and also for this blog, so stay tuned for all the news, gadgets, and other fun and interesting stuff 2012 has to offer!

Happy new year!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beardo, become a real man now!

Hello everyone!
The leaves have fallen, the days are getting shorter and christmas trees are popping up everywhere! Yes, winter is quickly coming to us and it's bringing along its best friends, chill and cold...
Now, they aren't my best friend, and if they aren't yours either, then this gadget is definitely something for you...

Friday, December 2, 2011

World's craziest record holders

Hey all,

Today I came across a copy of the book of Guinness world records and I must say, there are quite a lot weird record holders out there... Nevertheless, they all have a record for an amazing feat, and I'm sure they are very proud of it... So let's get rolling, here they come:

Cathie Jung, with a waist of 38cm, she's officially the woman with the thinnest waist... She all achieved this by wearing corsets... Amazing or crazy?

Next is Stephen Taylor. This brittish lad has the biggest tongue in the world, with a piece of meat measuring 9,5 cm...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Skyrim Soundtrack: Dovahkiin

To stay in the line of my last post, I'll share something more about skyrim...

Yes, the game got to me and is taking up quite a lot of my time, which sadly enough is also the reason for the lack of updates here, sorry!

Anyways, here is what I wanted to share, the theme song of the game. It has a northern mountain king like feeling, and it's absolutely epic... Even though I can't understand the lyrics, they couldn't be any more perfect...
For those who didn't see it yet, I am in love with this game...

Now make sure to listen, because you're missing out big if you don't...

See you later!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Skyrim released, goodbye social life

Hello everyone!

If you're even a little bit into rpg games you will know the elder scroll series. If that doesn't ring a bell, try oblivion, which was the latest title of the series a little while ago... But not anymore!
Yes, a new game in the elder scroll series has arrived, and I have waited so long for it: Skyrim is it's name...
Yes people, skyrim was released yesterday and I got myself a midnight launch edition! This is super because I happen to have 5 school-free days, which I can now spend with this beauty!

If you are just as exited about this game as I am, but you can't get it yet; or those who don't know a lot about it, I'm afraid that I won't be able to help you with that; but what I can do is sharing a review about it, that sums up the game pretty good, and gives a little bit of that elder scroll magic feeling...

Enjoy, I'm sure you will!

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon

Hello Everyone!

First of all, happy halloween!

Everyone knows what halloween is all about, right?
Watching movies in the dark, all night with as few people as possible... Amazing fun... But there's also trick or treating, or going out to costume parties, or doing spooky stuff like walking on the cemetery, or playing Ouija... Do you get what I am saying? There's so much to do on this night, that it's possible that you won't find space for even 1 good horror movie...

Friday, October 28, 2011

One person disney movie... Amazingly talented singer

Hey everyone!

You might have noticed in some of my previous posts, but I am a huge Disney fan! Not only because of the beautiful stories, but also by the amazing songs...

And well, today I found another video which touched my heart... It's truly mad, amazing, cool and epic...
It's about a guy who sings... Yes, he sings lots of disney songs... Still not that special, but he also kind of forms them into 1 story... I loved the way he connects all of the songs.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

USB Film roll: thousands of pictures on one roll

Hey everyone,

Remember those good old times where you had to put a film roll into your camera, and rotate a wheel manually to make a new picture... Well if you do, and you miss the feeling of carrying those film rolls around everywhere for the occasion the one you're using gets full, then I've got the ultimate gadget!

Well, gadget, it's actually another fancy USB stick... But this one comes with an original photo roll housing! They come in the versions of kodak and fujifilm, and offer 4 gigabytes of space, so you can fit all of your photos on it for a little while...

You can get yours at photojojo for about 17 euros, which is about 22$. The only thing is that you don't know which one you will get when you order it, so that's an extra surprise!

I'm always amazed by all the new designs people come up with for usb sticks and other things like it... So, what's next? An external hard disc covered in a VHS tape? A smartphone in a radio tape? Everything is possible...

See you!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mouse belt buckle, ultimate geek fashion

Hello everyone

Today I feel like making a fashion/gadget post... I'm writing about the mouse belt buckle. What is it? Well, the concept is very simple and very geeky. You take an old school mouse, you remove the electronics from the inside. You mix it up with a belt, and bingo you've got yourself the geekiest belt around. Those 2 button mouses aren't completely your thing? Well then even for you there's a mouse buckle available, created from old apple mouses...

Is this something for you? Well than don't hesitate and take a look at Etsy, where you can get yours for about 15-20$...

See you later!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs dies at age 56... RIP

My god... I knew this day would come but I didn't know it'd come so fast...
Yes, I am very saddened. Because Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind apple has died on 05/10/2011... This is awful news... I might not be a super mac fan, but this death is a great loss to modern society.
Steve Jobs had been fighting against different forms of cancer for many years and had also undergone a liver transplantation... The founding father of Apple, and of technology as we know it, is no more... Steve, Rest In Peace, we will all miss you!

Here is a video from abcnews which gives a summary of his life... Do watch it (It won't be embedded so I needed to give a link)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Getting up with Wakemate

Hey everyone,

Another day, another post, another gadget... This time I'm talking about: wakemate

You probably know the scenario, even when getting a fair amount of sleep, some days you just wake up feeling like a zombie, while you are fresh as a daisy on another day with the same number of hours of sleep... The explanation for this lies within our body programming and our sleep cycles...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This is madness!

You all know these words:
"This is madness"
"This is Sparta!"

If they don't sound familiar to you either you probably haven't been on the internet for a while... This fragment was made famous by an awesome movie... Have a look for yourself to see what I mean:
Now, I didn't tell you what movie it came from, well in case you don't know, this comes from the movie 300... Now, if you think that this post will be about 300 you're correct, but it's not about the movie... It's about the number of subscribers this blog has reached!

Yes indeed I have reached the number of 300 yesterday and I couldn't think of a better way to announce this than the power of leonidas!

So there you go... 300... An awesome number which I honestly didn't really expect! Thanks to all of you who are following me, I couldn't have gotten here without the support of you guys... Really, thank you very much for reading my writings and supporting my actions!!!
Does this mean that my goal is reached? Not really, I will certainly keep going and one day I hope to gather as much as 500 followers on this blog, but until that day comes I will keep busting my ass of for you people!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Are you sober enough?: Breathalyze Watch

Hey everyone,

This gadget watch doesn't only tell you the time, you can also see the amount of ethanol (alcohol) in your breath (and by that in your blood). Yes this gadget actually tells you how drunk you are! This is also very useful for knowing whether you are capable of driving a car without getting yourself in problems with the police...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Youtuber featured: Yourfavoritemartian

Hey everyone!

This youtuber featured today is Yourfavorite martian. This guy makes songs and some cartoons to go along with them. The subjects the songs are about don't always make sense but that's one thing I like about his songs, they don't have any message, they don't need you to be super attentive to the lyrics, they're just goofy...
The themes range from dating with a zombie, his balls being the size of the moon, a grandmother on facebook. The songs also feature more popular references from time to time like games, movies... The cartoons always feature the same guy who looks like waldo from the where's Waldo books, and they are done very well in my opinion since they have the same goofy touch as the songs.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ipad Dj'ing like a pro: iDJ Live

Hey everyone!

In my last post I talked about the appBlaster gadget which transforms your favorite apple device into a real life shooter. Today I'm back with yet another gadget to get more out of your Ipad/phone/pod!
This is a gadget for those who like to make their own mix once in a while and want to go a little more pro than the standard apps out there.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Augmented reality Iphone gun

Hey everyone!
Meet the appBlaster, a new gadget for those who want to give a new dimension to iphone gaming.
The gun itself is made out of plastic and requires no batteries at all, which is always good. So how does it work then? Well, first you put your Iphone (or Ipod touch) in the docking station, next you download the Alien attack application (for free!) and you're off! Shooting the alien scum in your own living room, or wherever you want!
When you pull the trigger you move 2 fingerlike extensions, which press against your iphone, resulting in ingame shooting. The movements you make are registered by the Ipone itself, so you can actually duck away to avoid enemy attacks! According to users, this gun isn't only fun to use, but will also give you extra movement while playing, much like WII fit and others.

Interested? You can make the gun yours for about 30$ at the online store Red5 , and as mentioned earlier the application itself is free in the appstore, the publishers also announced that they will release another 3 games compatible with this gun, for even more fun!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The best reality show exit ever: Jonny the werewolf

Hello everyone!

Today I want to share a video which totally cracked me up... It's a video from the reality show "Ton of cash", and it features the exit of Jonny Sarhanis. In this show the contestants have to bring one million dollars from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, and they have to eliminate a contestant each week.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Zelda lost woods dubstep remix

Hey everyone!
Today's post will be about something I thought I would never feature: Dubstep.
Why wouldn't I feature it? I don't really know, it's not like that I hate it or something... But it just doesn't appeal to me like it does to so many others... Then again I didn't really do any effort at all to find the better dubstep songs...
But here in the blogging world I frequently come across dubstep and some times I listen to a song or 2 and some of them are really good...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Where is the red?

Hey everyone!
Time for a quick game... Both in the meaning of short and quick paced that is.
This is a very old and simple game, where there are 3 cups and 1 coin. The coin gets is under 1 cup and then the cups are shuffled (at a high speed). Your mission to find the coin.

Think you can handle it? Then visit and try your skills. I myself reached level 9 before having to quit, can you do better?
Besides this free pc version, the creators at butchershop offer an android version of the game sold via their website. They also offer a game based on the new hype of nyan cat, for free... It's definately worth a try.

That's it for today, see you later!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

2000 Boobs for Vladimir

Hey everyone!
Today I came across this video about a Russian guy who wants to support Vladimir Putin in the upcoming elections. What is so special about this guy is the way he wants to do that, by touching the breasts of women.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Real life UP: a floating house!

Hey everyone!

Time for another quick post. This will be about a thing which I found while stumbling. And I thought it was very very cool. It's about the animation movie "UP". If you've seen it, you probably know that it's about a man who created a flying house. How does he do this? By binding A LOT of balloons to his roof... And actually I've wondered whether that would be possible if you had enough helium balloons, and it looks like it is!

Just take a look at these pictures and see for yourself how amazing it is:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Youtuber featured: Athenewins pt.2, Together to the top

Hello everyone,

I'm back with the second part of the youtuber featured post.
Yesterday I told you guys about Athene, a youtuber who got in world of warcraft and spread that fame onto youtube with various projects and shows. Now I'm going to talk about his latest project, which I touched lightly yesterday. His movement to change youtube as it is now: the TTTT movement, "together to the top"

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Youtuber featured: Athenewins pt.1, meet Athene

Hey everyone,

Time for another youtube featured post, and because it will be a quite big post I'll have to split into 2 parts. So this time I'm talking about a man who plans to change youtube as it is. Allow me to introduce to you: Athenewins.

Now you might be wondering in what way he wants to change youtube, well he intends to change the principle of a hierarchy. Hierarchy? Yes, there actually is such a thing in youtube, even though it doesn't look like that. As it is now, there are a few big youtube channels which have all the top spots on the front page, high search results and a lot of general advertising. Now why do you think they have all of that, sure because they have good content and lots of followers, but also because they advertise for youtube, and by that they earn money for youtube. This is a real pain in the ass because this keeps the smaller youtubers from ever getting to the top, even if they put a lot of effort into it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Zombie apocalypse? The ultimate shelter

Hey everyone!

Yesterday I got into a discussion with a friend about what to do when a zombie apocalypse rises, and I came to the conclusion that IF a zombie apocalypse would ever arrive, that I'd be pretty doomed... Why? Well, just because I don't have that much of a shelter here, and that is one of the most important things when it comes to surviving zombie attacks, SHELTER. Another things that is important, is food, but that could even be arranged...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Life saving survival straps

Hey everyone,
I'm back with another gadget review.
It's been a while since I made my last camping gadget post, and I wasn't really planning to make another one like it, but then I came across this thing and I changed my mind:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ok Go and the muppets: delicious or disaster?

Hey everyone,
I'm just back from a trip to the world of youtube and I discovered another interesting, and somewhat entertaining video.
The title pretty much says it all, this video is the new song of the band OK Go, the muppet show theme song.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Make-over in the making?

Hello everyone!

It's time for a little more serious post now, one that might completely change this blogs future... Why? Well, during the last 2 weeks I've been carefully observing the google analytics page for my blog, and made my conclusions about it...
What are those conclusions? Well, for as much as traffic goes, I get a fair amount of viewers each day, so I guess there's no complaining to that, but what does bother me is that the number of returning visitors tends to be quite low... Now I  was beginning to wonder what could be the reasons for this and what could be a possible solution for it... And I've come up with a few explanations:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Youtuber(s) featured: The yogscast

Hello everyone,

I am sorry for the delayed post, but I am experiencing some personal problems atm, and I simply didn't feel like getting near my computer at all... (might be a lame excuse, so sorry again for that...)

So, lets get on with the post, today I'll post another review about a youtuber I enjoy following, well a channel would be better in this case I think...

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, the yogscast:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Counter strike returns?

Hey people,

I have some news that probably is pretty interesting to the game lovers in here. More specifically, those who love first person shooters.
Yes of course it's a new shooter, and yes of course it's a new counter strike title (Well, I kind of hoped that you'd figure that one out by reading this posts title...)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Captain fantastic

Hello everybody!

Today I'd like to share something really crazy I found on the internet... Yes, even though this news is already bout 3 years old, I certainly did not find it less entertaining... Let me give you this picture as a start:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Duke nukem vs. Chuck Norris: An epic battle

Hey what's up everyone,

So yesterday a friend of mine kind of got into this childish discussion about "my hero is greater than yours"... Seriously, after giving arguments for about 20 minutes we decided just to quit and call it even... But then I thought of this blog and I thought I could ask you guys what you think...

So this post will come with a poll (which you might have seen and voted on already), the question is very very simple: Duke Nukem or Chuck Norris?
Yep, we actually discussed this, like a bunch of 10-year-olds; but then again, when coming to a decision this great, who wouldn't argue about it :p

If you can't really make up your mind right now, or if you don't know who these guys are (shame on you!), here's a little summary of both:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Youtuber featured: Vi hart

Hey all!
Today I'll make a quick post of something I encountered earlier, and found quite amusing... It's a video story made by a youtuber named Vi Hart, basically she enjoys making all kinds of games out of mathematical principles for when you are bored in class... Now that might sound extremely uninteresting, but it's surprisingly interesting.
She also made this video in which she draws a story about a tringle called Wind. The story itself is kind of sad, but it is well found en fun to watch... Especially the ending is pretty cool... I'll advise you to watch it for yourself and if you want you can also watch some of her squigly games...


And for those who were wondering about the games thing, here you go!

Watched it? Good :) Did you enjoy watching it, or was it a waste of your time? Will you give it a try yourself? Or didn't you watch it at all? Please let me know!

See you later

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Let's go indie!

Hey people,

It's about time for another post, and I feel like talking about games for a bit, so, what do you say, let's get on with it!

Indie games, either you love them or either you don't... For those who don't know what I'm talking about, indie is short for independence, in gaming terms this means that the game was created by a company which isn't one of the big mainstream players (e.g. EA, 2k, and others). These indie gaming companies are most of the time proud of what they produce, and it isn't because they are less famous that their games are worth less...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Portable gaming station

Hey people,

Today I came across a cool gadget that might appeal to those of you who enjoy console gaming, and hate leaving it alone when going on vacation...
It might be true that there are alternative portable gaming devices around there, which can also give you a bunch of fun, but when it comes to it, nothing beats the pure power of the console...
So, when you are in the situation of going somewhere where you don't have access to a tv, and thus you are forced of leaving without it, think of this:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The future: QR shopping?

Hey everyone!
It's time for yet another interesting thing that I found today...
It's about the new shopping trend in Korea... It's online! Well, actually that isn't anything new... But wait, what if the shopping (browsing) doesn't happen on your mobile phone or pc, but in your everyday train station...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Test tube tasties

Hey people!

Today I'm telling you about a new scientific project which is going on in the Netherlands at the moments, what are our crazy Dutch friends doing? Well they are creating a whole new type of food involving this fellow here:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Second try better try?

Hey people,
As some of you might have noticed (unlike myself at first), the last post I made was a blank, now I did write something in it, but I guess even blogger has its problems from time to time... So that's why I deleted the old one and created this one (with the same topic though)

The topic of this post will be Groupon

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Diet help needed?

Hey people,

This gadget is one for those of you who have troubles with following their diet...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How could I?

Hello people,
As you might have noticed it was quite quiet the last week... No posts or nothing... Now this would be the time for excuses,
the reason why I couldn't post because I was away on a holiday, and I simply forgot to post the message where I announced it (even though I even already made it up)... But I guess I'm back now, so there is no need to worry anymore... I am here and I am here to stay (again).
So in the mean time summer has been going on for a while now, so tell me,

How has yours been up till now? :)

See you later next time (With a decent post :p)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Keep it cool

Hello people,
Time for a new post, and I feel like doing a good old fashioned gadget post...
So here it is, today's gadget:

Saturday, July 2, 2011

online education vs traditional education

Hello peole! What up?

Today is a beautiful day, and do you want to know why? Well, because I finished my exams and I'm totally free now... For a while at least... :p
Now while catching up with some of my friends for an after-exam pary, one one of them was telling me he wanted to do some kind online studying through an internet university... He told me lots of things about it, but in the end didn't succeed in convincing me...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There's no stopping him...

Hey people...
I have returned with some pretty good news... It's over... Yes finally my exams are done, and thus there will be nothing that can keep me from writing decent posts again, on a steady base that is...
As a celebration, I'm going to talk about a man who had a huge influence on my life... This man has created my strong love for good comedy and humor... This man is Brittish, and if you didn't guess is by no, this is the man I am talking about.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ultimate sporting gadget

Hey people!
It's time for yet another new post (finally!), Yes, I'm still having exam problems, and frequent blogging costs time, of which I honestly don't have much... =(
Well any way, let's get this post on with.
Today I'm introducing a miracle gadget for all the people who enjoy sporting. And maybe especially people who are fond of running and such... Allow me to present the E39 electronic shirt:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Where's my bike?

Hey people,
Has it ever happened to you, you parked your bike, secured it very tightly with a good chain, and yet when you return you find out that your bike has been stolen...I've had it happen to myself a few times now and I can tell you it feels horrible... 
But for just these occasions there's this very cool gadget... It's a very cool bicycle light...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Oh no nintendo...

Hey people,
Today's post will be about one of the bigger events that is going on at the moment, yep, the E3...
Now, as you probably guessed from the title, I will be discussing nintendo.

What did the company do that is so worth menioning? Well they announced the new WII system... Meet... the Wii U...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Keyboard time

Hey people!
It's been a while since my last post, and I must make my excuses for the lack of updates the latest 2 weeks... The problem is that I'm having exams right now, and that the pc looks more like a far away dream, and so does blogging (unfortunately)
That's why I'll keep this gadget post clean and short... The gadget I found today is specially for the people who have an Iphone or Ipod touch...

The name of this Gadget? WOW-keys, (no not World of warcraft!) an odd name for an odd idea, but I kind of like it... 
What does it do? Well it's a keyboard... How can it be of any more use than the one you are using now? Think about this scenario:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

One bracelet to move them all...

Hey people!
It's been long since I made my last gadget post... The thing that started this blog... So today I'm returning to my roots with a new gadget... So lets stop chatting and more gadgetting,

May I present to you, the loop pointer, produced by Hillcrest labs.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Some awesome evil

Hello people! It's been a while since my last robot post and I've been thinking about what to post next... Thing is, I found it and some of you might be surprised, others will go OH NO, and some others will go YES YES YES...
I can hear you think, stop stalling! get up to it already... So here it is, my post will be about bad guys... Villains... Singing villains... Ok I know this will sound completely idiotic, and a bunch of you will probably already have stopped reading... For those who stuck in: here is a small list of some villain songs...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hey people!
Today I finally solved the lawyer thing with the insurances... Without having to resort to court! He told me my rights and exactly what I had to do to give proof of every thing, so that's solved, the insurance is going to pay for the repairs and I am getting a little something too for the problems they caused... Great =D

Well, anyways let's get back on track with the usual blogging :) And as i promised you last time, here are some robots =D

#1 RHex: rough terrain bot

What is this thing? A walking conveyor belt with 6 legs strapped onto it? Well close... This robot is designed to be able to walk on every terrain, and I really mean EVERY terrain... it even can swim using a flipper addition...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Disappointed in lawyers...

Hey guys,

After the car incident a few days ago, I'm still working on getting justice served... It seems neither the cops not the car insurance company is willing to co-operate, so there's only one more way I can go to get what's mine... Using the law. Now, the justice system is something I'm not familiar with, so I went on a quest to find myself someone who could do it for me, yes a lawyer... But when I went online and searched for a lawyer, I came across something that attracted my attention... It was a special kind of lawyer, not an injury lawyer, neither a stock market lawyer, and not even an asbestos lawyer (yes, those do exist :p) . No it was way more crazy than that... What I found was a robot laywer, yes that's correct, a robot laywer...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Auto insurance companies? No thanks!

Yo guys, I know I just created another post about an hour ago or so, but I need to write this...
I feel so frustrated? Why you may ask? 3 words: auto insurance company...
Allow me to explain myself:
About an hour ago I received a call from the local police that my has been "assaulted" and that I should get home as soon as possible... (I go to my work by bike, so the car is on the street in front of my house). At that moment I freak out, and I get scared, because honestly, I just had that car for somewhat over a year, and I am still paying it off...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Q&A rahoun style

Sup people!

I've been thinking, I've been having this blog for about 3 months now, and I'm enjoying it all... I have a nice bunch of followers who comment on my posts, and some of them whom I follow myself... But well, what do we actually know about each other? and what do you know about me?
Not that much...