Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ok Go and the muppets: delicious or disaster?

Hey everyone,
I'm just back from a trip to the world of youtube and I discovered another interesting, and somewhat entertaining video.
The title pretty much says it all, this video is the new song of the band OK Go, the muppet show theme song.

I don' think that I need to introduce the muppets...
Everyone knows these whacky puppets, and most of us probably love them... The serie brought comedy, guest stars, slapstick and randomness to the world of tv, and it made out a big deal of my yought... Another thing the muppets show is probably well known for are the numerous songs they have created. Even though the show is already quite old now ( the last season was broadcasted back in 1981!), they are far from dead... In the last few years the muppets created covers of popular songs, like Queen's "Bohemian rhapsody", or "Ode to joy", from Beethoven. They also announced a new muppets movie, which will be in theaters this November.
Yes, these puppets have earned a spot in my heart, and I would've liked to show a video about them, but quite frankly there is just too much good stuff to choose from... So just pop the muppets inside the youtube search bar and I'm sure you'll find something you love...

OK Go is an American rock band, which became very famous after the release of their clip "Here it goes again" on youtube. If you don't know who this is about, well think of a music video featuring 4 guys and a bunch of treadmills. The video became viral very soon and it received millions of views and with that, the group gained numerous fans... But the success didn't stop after that first video and of course they created more songs, with more videos. Not that much different than most other groups, but each of their videos is unique in a way, they always find a way to amaze you, and that's what I like about them...
Here's the video, which I talked about before, which got them famous:


Now, the point which I stated earlier, these 2 combined forced and the result is the OK Go version of the muppets show theme song. At first I was quite excited when I saw this, because what could be better than the classic theme song fitted into a masterpiece video clip of OK Go. And to be honest I had mixed feelings after watching it... Why? See for yourself:

So if you are wondering why I have these mixed feelings about it, well, the video is every thing that I expected from it, the goofyness and chaos from the muppets combined with the originality of OK Go. It was entertaining to watch and I even had a laugh or 2. But what bothered me the most is that they completely altered the tune of the song, and so that it lost some of it's essence. I'm not saying that it's a bad song, but I think they should've been more faithful to the original... Of course it could  also be just me imagining stuff...

So, what do you think about the new song, did you like it? Please let me know in the comments!

See you later!

PS: If you haven't read my last post about this blog, be sure to do so, I could really need YOUR help with this. Thanks!


  1. lol, the vid is really funny. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very entertaining I also prefer the origin OK GO tune instead of the remixed muppets one.

  3. Well I must say - Welcome back! Looking forward to your future updates!

  4. In reverend Cerimon there well appears Following!

  5. I really didn't watch much of the muppets when I was young so it doesn't appeal to me as much... but that was an interest fusion

  6. LoL. Very amusing! Like the muppets
    nice post!


  7. Oh man, no...just no..

  8. Not a great fan of their music, but i do love the videos

  9. nice song :) flashbacks from the time i wouldnt miss a muppets episode for anything

  10. OK Go I don't know much about, but the Muppets are another story :P
