Saturday, July 2, 2011

online education vs traditional education

Hello peole! What up?

Today is a beautiful day, and do you want to know why? Well, because I finished my exams and I'm totally free now... For a while at least... :p
Now while catching up with some of my friends for an after-exam pary, one one of them was telling me he wanted to do some kind online studying through an internet university... He told me lots of things about it, but in the end didn't succeed in convincing me...

For those of you who don't really know what I'm talking about, you've probably seen some ads on the internet featuring messages like: "online criminal justice degree", "accredited online university" and "university online college"... Now, they claim they can teach you a thing like law, or finance, through the power of the internet ...And even though I don't doubt the fact that you can study using pc files, and that it would be quite handy if you could arrange your lessons like you want it, I still have some serious doubts left about the online education system...

First of all, think about of what value an online university degree is to our society? Technically it should be the same, but come on, I really think that a manager who is hiring lawyers for instance, is more tended to pick an old school university one, instead of an internet trained one... And come on, when you look at it, who would want to exchange a traditional university school to a course using your pc... University life is a wonderful period, and you'd have to be either crazy or socially awkward if you'd want to miss it.

Another point is that, if the online college scene does prove to work, how can you pick the good ones from the phonies? Because technically every website with a nice layout could claim they are a 5 star degree online university who teach medicine, laws, social rights and all online; while they end up being a scam... I mean, if you go to a normal traditional university, you know that the professor who is teaching you, actually has a degree for it, and that what you are studying, will certainly give you a degree (if you pass that it)...

Third thing that I have a problem about is that if you start studying online, how that you are going to get practical skills.
Why I come up with this is because I have seen ads like "online nursing education" and such, but a lot of studies like nurses education or medical education need the skills which are involved... If a nurse know every theoretical thing about treating a patients wound, but has never done it before, it might cause big troubles... So you'd have to fix that problem by having more internships; but in the end, wouldn't that be like going to a normal university in the first place? In the end all studies need experience, even language studies, for which you see a lot of online courses, need practical experience, which you can only obtain through talking... Now sure you can use a webcam for that, but again, if you need to make "appointments" with students or teachers to talk to you through the internet, wouldn't that be more of a hassle than just going to a traditional university and just do ever thing there...

In the end in the battle of online education vs traditional education, the traditional wins by landslide... It's certain that the material is correct and adjusted for your course, it is more trustworthy, and there are things which just aren't possible to teach through an online university system, especially things nurses master educations...
But that is my opinion, what is yours? Leave me a quicky to let me know!

See you later!


  1. I still don't know that there is any validity to an online education, I'm sure this will change.

  2. Online education seems like it can be hard, i think i would prefer a class.

  3. I've always been sceptic about online education because it still lacks proper interaction.

  4. congrats on finishing your exams, soon everything will be done online including education

  5. The internet is more trustworthy than what the government says is educational or not.

  6. Good article, well written, very informative

  7. online edu will never reach the level of face to face edu

  8. Online education still has alot of growing up to do

  9. It's cool to be on vacations. Online education may sound strange to many people just because of the environment they were brought up in.

  10. Yeah I don't people take online degrees seriously.

  11. Yeah, i don't think online education is a good idea. Most of companies won't accept you in.

  12. I think a big reason why internet uni's aren't as good is because of the social interactions. Those are important. It was much easier for me to ask someone about a problem than too google it up or something.

    Also its more fun.

  13. Nothing beats traditional since cheating would be quite easy online I guess

  14. As of now I don't see how an Online education can adequately replace traditional. Not only that, but it has to be fairly boring just sitting in front of your computer reading and occasionally interacting, rather than actually seeing your professor and being able to talk to him first hand whenever (at least at my Uni you can).

  15. Online is the way to go!

  16. i have had education online for several subjects and purposes, but when it comes down to doing stuff, it takes experience to do it right, i guess it depends on the subject and how you are gonna aply it to real life

    i would first employ someone with experience and expertise in the field to a recent graduate from high college, that is how the world turns today!

  17. I quite disagree with you: university life is a wonderful period only if your studies allow that. Mine don't. Apart from that: yeah, online studies are no match to 'real-life' ones. People's attitude towards the specific graduates seems to favour ordinary studies, too.

  18. the impact is still not the same. i prefer traditional educ

  19. Well done with the exams. And yeah, University life can be great. Mines sucks now because I was too busy enjoying it though. Got a lot to do.

    Just find the right balance and you're good.

  20. I'd actually prefer online education over class. Because I'm able to use all ressources I could use in my job life later. But I think that'd also support laziness in learning manners

  21. I hate the education system here in the US regardless of it being online or not. :\

  22. i tested booth and online is just the best!

    u can have a job and still educate your self. with no problems because of the work time..

  23. I think that traditional education is much better than online. You learn social skills and other key skills, rather than communicating behind a Computer screen.
