Friday, April 8, 2011

Nice n tidy

For those of you who own a console it isn't a mystery anymore, sometimes it just gets quite messy... A controller here, cable there... Where did I put that mic. again... Man I need some space for this guitar... Where did the bloody wiimote go?
If these things sound familiar I might have the ideal solution...

Meet the zig zag gaming towers,

These babies hold up to 4 controllers, 2 guitars, a console and 16 of your favorite games... Besides they look way to cool... Invite your friends over and amaze them with these battle stations, and amazed they will be... The pricetag for these towers? About 70$ will do, now in my opinion that's a very reasonable price for this masterpiece... you can get these towers, and other storage solutions here

For those of you who don't like the tower design there's always another solution: the twistdoc for ps3...
It doesn't only offer a place to stack your console and controllers, it also recharges them, so empty batteries are no longer a problem, even if you power down your ps3. Another neat feature is the twisting function (hence it's name) , when you need to reach to the back for a controller, simply turn it around and take what you need. It even holds a way to store your cables, so cablesoup won't be on the menu any longer... It is a little more expensive than the towers, at 80 euro's... I'm afraid it's also only available in Europe for now, but word is going that a US release is bound to come...

So which one do you prefer? Or don't you like them at all? Do you have better solutions? Let me know! =D


  1. That is actually amazing. I love that first one.

    Do want.

  2. The tower is sweet, I don't think I'c ever buy one personally, though the $70 price tag is a real draw

  3. Nice, i want the left one, do they give it away some where there i can subscribe?

  4. Those look pretty cool but I wonder if they could get knocked over fairly easily - especially in a house with kids.

  5. they look so sleek and modern.. and reasonbly cheap. im gonna try and get my hands on one

  6. Wow that's amazing! You must be a perfectionist!

  7. thats awesome, too bad I dont play guitar.

  8. That's pretty clean looking, good idea.

  9. These are cool, but I don't really need one.

  10. As a PS3 owner, I'm a fan of the twistdoc. But it looks like it takes up so much space!

  11. Yes! This is very nice! I got a stack of video games that I need to organize and that price is just about right too!

  12. Really elegant solution and the price is reasonable too! Great tip man!

  13. I wish I owned enough stuff to fill one

  14. I'll take the xbox 360 one anyday. Cool stuff, man.
