Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Trying my best...

Hey people,
You might have noticed that my blogging frequency has turned down a bit... This can all be explained by one badguy... School :p Yep, exams are coming up, and I don't have as much free time as more as i used to have... But do not fear, this doesn't mean that this blog will die or anything...
I will still post updates about those gadgets, games, music.. Actually about every thing that I like to post about :p I have a new one coming up about board/cardgames, So I hope you can wait for that one a little more... It's bound to come out today or tomorrow, depending on  what I can do this evening...
tldr; I don't post that much because of exams, but I will keep updating anyways!

To make it up with you guys, I've got a nice gift:

And if you don't like little kittens in present boxes, have some lie *uhm uhm* I mean,  cake...

See ya!


  1. Yeah, I can totally relate, I'm being forced to slow down too because of stuff that's been piling up for a while now, I need to keep busy.

  2. THE CAKE IS A LIE! Wish you best on the exams :)

  3. School always gets in the way doesn't it?!? :P

  4. That cake looks yummy. Same here, I got exams coming up and I should start studying.

  5. Kitten + cake make a perfect update!

  6. Lol, the kitten looks stuffed and the cake looks nasty, but it's the thought that counts :) Good luck on your exams!

  7. We all understand your obligations. Just do what you can!

  8. That cake looks delicious!!

    good luck with your exams, they are important!

  9. Good luck with the school stuff dude, i'm the same atm.

  10. Yep School has kicked back in and my bloggings gone way down!

  11. I understand this totally, classes got in the way a lot in my blog.

  12. School always slows down my blog to a screeching hat, haha.

  13. Aww school is fun..at least you're doing something productive and enriching! Good luck with your studies!
