Hey all, today I'm making the promised post about party/cardgames =D
I won't make too many words dirty about it and I'll start right away with the comments, do note that I have tried all these games and that I found them all good...
Here I go ^^
#1 Aye dark overlord
Concept: One person is the dark overlord and he introduces a story to the other players (his minions). For example, the minions had to bring back the pet dragon, but brought a cat instead. Then the minions have to tell the overlord why this happened. If a minion fails to explain or the explanation doesn't make any sense, he gets an evil stare (card), get 3 of those and you're dead; and the game is over.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Join me for a game...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Trying my best...
Hey people,
You might have noticed that my blogging frequency has turned down a bit... This can all be explained by one badguy... School :p Yep, exams are coming up, and I don't have as much free time as more as i used to have... But do not fear, this doesn't mean that this blog will die or anything...
I will still post updates about those gadgets, games, music.. Actually about every thing that I like to post about :p
Sunday, April 24, 2011
About the thing we all love...
What up peole? Today's post is about a thing we all love... Nope, it's not cute kittens, or lazy sundays... It ain't food either... Well what is there more that every one of us loves? Blogging of course...
Well I'm not really going to write about blogging itself... Since I've established a steady number of followers (almost 175!), I 've decided to write a little bit about my favorite followers, who I also follow and whose blogs I really enjoy reading...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Some more traveling gadets
Hey people,
Some time ago I wrote a piece about some neat traveling gadgets (The eton scorpion radio and the Mu space MP3-bed)
Now for the people who thought these gadgets were handy, some more techs that will help you on your journeys.
First one to come up is the Spot personal tracker.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Only in Japan...
Todays post is about the saying: "only in Japan"
Yes, we all know our Asian island friends sometimes have weird twists in their brains... This "gadget" is just another example of that:
A watermelon cooler...
Monday, April 18, 2011
Humble bundle 3 revealed
Hello bloggers!
Todays post is about a website I found earlier today... It's one of the greatest websites there is for game fans... It sells games without any DRM... It helps charity... The games you buy are redeemable on steam! But best is that you can pay what you want...
Yessir, the humble bundle has returned... With the same old rules: you pay whatever you want for 5 cool games and you decide how your money is divided (between dev's or charity)...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Mp3 bed
What's up you guys,
this next gadget is one of the coolest I've seen in times... It's perfect to take with you on a trip... You might wonder what I am talking about this time...
Well, it's the Mu space, a kind of bowl/bag which you can take with you very easily...
Nothing special about a bag you think, well this one is, because it contains a nice and soft little blanket... So can always sleep in a comfortable way when on a holiday or when out abroad...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand Official Video
Barba Streisand video
I've been doing gadgets for a while now, so it's about time for me to another video...
After the mindblowing requiem for a dream video, i give you this song...
Most of you will have heard it already, but I doubt you've all seen the video... And that's what it's about...
Pimp my radio...
Now this is a cool gadget, for not that much money...
It's the Eton Scorpion.
What is it? Well, it's a good friend for those who enjoy camping, survival and other outdoor activities...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
work out buddy
This is something for those of you who enjoy to run once in a while.
This mp3 player produced by philips also acts as a pedometer and a heartbeat monitor. You can put up to 500 songs onto it, and you can choose which songs inspire you to work out harder. Whenever the mp3 senses that you are getting a hard time, it chooses one of those numbers to give you that little extra boost you need to go on... It might not be the most renovating thing around, neither the only in its kind, but it looks good and it looks like it also functions good...
You can get it now for 90€, or 130$, not that cheap, but it sure beats the price of a new ipod with a nike + system...
What systems do you use for running? I'd like to know :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Flower Power
Even though I told you guys I'd post more games, I still have a little gadget that I wanted to write about:
And if you don't want them for their function, buy them because they look cool, who wouldn't want to flower up his pc with this little thing? =D
I'll even make it more attractive, it only costs 10$ for the whole kit... Awesome ain't it?
Site can be found: here
Let the games begin
First of all, thank you to those people who voted on the poll about what content to put up more.
These were the results:
Gadgets | 9 (34%) |
Games | 14 (53%) |
Fahion | 2 (7%) |
Videos | 1 (3%) |
As you can see, the winner of this poll clearly was the gaming option, followed by gadgets...
So there will be reviews of more games, but take in mind that I do not plan to turn this into a gaming blog... There will also be gadgets, videos, and others, when I see the opportunity. So, now that the readers have spoken, I will ask one more question, what kind of games do you want me to blog about? (titles also are welcome :p)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Gadgets with a light...
Todays post is about 2 nifty things that I found involving lights.
Musiclite speakers

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Protector IV
Hey all,
Iv' been playing this game for over the last few hours and I can't seem to stop... There's always that one level I really really want to finish... :p It's a TD game, aka tower defense, where you put monsters on the side of a specific path where monsters cross... And the monster can't get through or you will die... This one also has different commanders which support different classes of units, which gives it an extra difficulty further in the game...
Well every one has played one of these, right... If not you should definitely try!
link can be found here!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Nice n tidy
For those of you who own a console it isn't a mystery anymore, sometimes it just gets quite messy... A controller here, cable there... Where did I put that mic. again... Man I need some space for this guitar... Where did the bloody wiimote go?
If these things sound familiar I might have the ideal solution...
Meet the zig zag gaming towers,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bloggers, for those of you who are into gaming, this shouldn't be anything new... For the rest of you, this is amazing... What is it I am talking about? One of the best pieces of technology that is to be released in the following years...It's sony's new handheld the NGP, or next generation portable (alias psp-2). Yes, It has finally come to this point, sony announced a while ago they were working on a new handheld... If you are wondering why I am so amazed by this thing, allow me to explain myself...
picture scores and biking speed
This piece of technology might be useful for those of you who take thousands of pictures a year, but cannot decide whether they are good enough to save or not.
Why? Well, because the software on this camera rates your pictures for you, on different grounds, intensity of colors, recognizability of faces, shades,...
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Fairytail gone bad...
Let me tell you a story, about a girl who lived in a village, together with her mother... She always wore a red cloak with a hood, that's why everyone called her little red riding hood...
What? You already know this story... Well that may be, but today I encountered a trailer of a movie based upon this dark story...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hey y'all,
I'm back already... Dude this crash gave me the creeps... I thought I lost everything... And I almost did!
Bad news is that my disc is toast... Good news is that that I've been able to get a new disc already and that my pc is up and running again... Plus, I was able to save most of my important data, thanks to the comment of gamthen Who told me to use testdisc... Really, it worked pretty good, I retrieved all of my pictures and important data... The larger files like movies and such were corrupt, but as long as I've got my important files back I'm happy...
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Testdisc a real lifesaver! |
So, thanks again gamthen, and also thank you all for your support...
New content is coming up btw :)
Hey guys, just this quick note to bring some bad news...
At home I probably had a HDD crash (not 100% sure though), which makes my pc unable to boot... And that literally sucks... So, just to inform you all, I'm not sure how long this will exactly take, but I'll try my best coming up with a solution as fast as possible... (Right now I'm on GF's laptop)
This also means that I probably won't be able to write any new messages the coming days, but maybe with a bit of luck things turn out better than expected...
So yeah, see you soon, (hopefully)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Today I came across this game, it's called rebuild, and that's basically what the game is about... Rebuilding a society in a zombie infested world...
There are different classes of people which have their own specialties (like a gatherer, a leader, soldier,...); and there are also all kinds of buildings with their own purposes... You need to watch several things, one is food, a second is room for your population and the third is building up a defense that will protect you from the zombie attacks...
The easier modes are piece of cake to win, but when you try harder or insane, well then you're in for a challenge... Enough said, enjoy the game :)
Rebuild, the game
Just let me snooze some more!
Hey... What is both the best and the worst invention mankind has made the last century? Right, it's the snooze button on your alarm clock... The darned thing that makes us oversleep, yet it is so nice to hit it in the morning...
Anyways we should let go of the snoozer, and get up right away... That saves you from a lot of troubles... And here just the thing that can help you with getting up...
Tech for all you nintendo fanboys
What do oldschool gaming and nowadays portable harddrives have in common? Nothing, except for the fact they both are electronics... Well actually there is one more thing they do have in common, this NES-HDD... Yes, it may look somewhat unnatural and awkward, after all it's a USB cable popping out of a NES game, but then again, ain't this a great idea...
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Stick it on, enjoy the game

For those of you who own an ipad, or just any device with a touchscreen, it shouldn't be a mystery anymore... There are lots of fun games out there that can be controlled with the touch of your fingers...
Now the problem is that fingers sometimes aren't that accurate, and touching the screen with "fatty" fingers also won't do any good. Well this gadget solves it all...
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Movie time!
I saw this trailer today and I've decided to share it with you... It's a superhero movie... Ok I can imagine a lot of you going like "not another one" after kick-ass, or superhero movie (which both weren't that good at all...) But this one seems interesting...
For what I can see from the trailer it's about a guy (Rainn Wilson, the guy from... euhm, no idea) who gets dumped by his wife, after which he wants revenge on the guy who "stole" her away from him... You wonder how?
Wow... I hit 50 followers recently... I didn't think i could get this big! :D
Thank you all for your support and for passing it to your friends and such... I really love you guys! (in a friendly way)
Let's eat this cake as a celebration ^^
Wet fuel
This gadget can be a lifesaver when in need of urgent power... why? Because it runs on water... So next time you are stuck in a cave without any sunlight you can just use the water you have to create power to recharge your mobile phone, ipod, ds, psp,...
It's a great gadget to have, and it is produced by power trekk... Price is unknown though...
I just wonder one more thing... What if you also ran out of drinking water, would ANY kind of water do? and I mean, ANY kind...
A video of how it works can be found here
Aprils fools?
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Here's a picture to go along with the link |
First is Gamestop with the sale of world's most expensive game... Fighter frogs, battle toads anyone? It's a game I used to play a long time ago... And for some reason it keeps popping up on forums and even on the news, that there are people who really want it...