Monday, October 31, 2011

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon

Hello Everyone!

First of all, happy halloween!

Everyone knows what halloween is all about, right?
Watching movies in the dark, all night with as few people as possible... Amazing fun... But there's also trick or treating, or going out to costume parties, or doing spooky stuff like walking on the cemetery, or playing Ouija... Do you get what I am saying? There's so much to do on this night, that it's possible that you won't find space for even 1 good horror movie...

Friday, October 28, 2011

One person disney movie... Amazingly talented singer

Hey everyone!

You might have noticed in some of my previous posts, but I am a huge Disney fan! Not only because of the beautiful stories, but also by the amazing songs...

And well, today I found another video which touched my heart... It's truly mad, amazing, cool and epic...
It's about a guy who sings... Yes, he sings lots of disney songs... Still not that special, but he also kind of forms them into 1 story... I loved the way he connects all of the songs.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

USB Film roll: thousands of pictures on one roll

Hey everyone,

Remember those good old times where you had to put a film roll into your camera, and rotate a wheel manually to make a new picture... Well if you do, and you miss the feeling of carrying those film rolls around everywhere for the occasion the one you're using gets full, then I've got the ultimate gadget!

Well, gadget, it's actually another fancy USB stick... But this one comes with an original photo roll housing! They come in the versions of kodak and fujifilm, and offer 4 gigabytes of space, so you can fit all of your photos on it for a little while...

You can get yours at photojojo for about 17 euros, which is about 22$. The only thing is that you don't know which one you will get when you order it, so that's an extra surprise!

I'm always amazed by all the new designs people come up with for usb sticks and other things like it... So, what's next? An external hard disc covered in a VHS tape? A smartphone in a radio tape? Everything is possible...

See you!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mouse belt buckle, ultimate geek fashion

Hello everyone

Today I feel like making a fashion/gadget post... I'm writing about the mouse belt buckle. What is it? Well, the concept is very simple and very geeky. You take an old school mouse, you remove the electronics from the inside. You mix it up with a belt, and bingo you've got yourself the geekiest belt around. Those 2 button mouses aren't completely your thing? Well then even for you there's a mouse buckle available, created from old apple mouses...

Is this something for you? Well than don't hesitate and take a look at Etsy, where you can get yours for about 15-20$...

See you later!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs dies at age 56... RIP

My god... I knew this day would come but I didn't know it'd come so fast...
Yes, I am very saddened. Because Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind apple has died on 05/10/2011... This is awful news... I might not be a super mac fan, but this death is a great loss to modern society.
Steve Jobs had been fighting against different forms of cancer for many years and had also undergone a liver transplantation... The founding father of Apple, and of technology as we know it, is no more... Steve, Rest In Peace, we will all miss you!

Here is a video from abcnews which gives a summary of his life... Do watch it (It won't be embedded so I needed to give a link)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Getting up with Wakemate

Hey everyone,

Another day, another post, another gadget... This time I'm talking about: wakemate

You probably know the scenario, even when getting a fair amount of sleep, some days you just wake up feeling like a zombie, while you are fresh as a daisy on another day with the same number of hours of sleep... The explanation for this lies within our body programming and our sleep cycles...