Hey everyone,
Remember those good old times where you had to put a film roll into your camera, and rotate a wheel manually to make a new picture... Well if you do, and you miss the feeling of carrying those film rolls around everywhere for the occasion the one you're using gets full, then I've got the ultimate gadget!
Well, gadget, it's actually another fancy USB stick... But this one comes with an original photo roll housing! They come in the versions of kodak and fujifilm, and offer 4 gigabytes of space, so you can fit all of your photos on it for a little while...
You can get yours at photojojo for about 17 euros, which is about 22$. The only thing is that you don't know which one you will get when you order it, so that's an extra surprise!
I'm always amazed by all the new designs people come up with for usb sticks and other things like it... So, what's next? An external hard disc covered in a VHS tape? A smartphone in a radio tape? Everything is possible...
See you!